black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Radiotradita - Radio Shqiptare Online

Vlerësimi ynë: 5 yje


Mirë se vini në Radiotradita

Radiotradita ofron radio shqiptare në internet, duke sjellë muzikën dhe kulturën shqiptare direkt në ju. Bashkohuni me ne për përvojën më të mirë të radios online.

A vintage-style radio with a wooden finish featuring a central analog tuning dial and various control knobs on its front panel. The radio has a classic design with speaker grilles on either side.
A vintage-style radio with a wooden finish featuring a central analog tuning dial and various control knobs on its front panel. The radio has a classic design with speaker grilles on either side.



Shkarkoni tani

Na ndiqni

Sponzoret Tan

Radiotradita ofron hapsir marketingu për te gjitha Bizneset Shqiptare

Marketi SPAR

Zgjidhni nga një gamë e gjerë Produkteve Shqiptare për çdo shije dhe moment.

Studio Trimi
Kompania Pikllimi
Redon Ip Tv

Ip Tv Shqiptare Ofruar Nga Radio Tradita për te gjith Shqiptaret në Europ deri ne Amerik

Kompania Pikllimi e cila merret me Transportimin e Kofomave nga e gjith Europa per ne Vendlindje

Kompania Studio Trimi ne Lipjan e cila merret me gjriminin e Eventeve te juja Familjare

Galeria Radiotradita

Shikoni momentet më të bukura të radiotradita në internet.

A close-up view of an old-fashioned radio with three black knobs on top and the brand name 'Nordmende' visible. The front features a grid-like speaker pattern.
A close-up view of an old-fashioned radio with three black knobs on top and the brand name 'Nordmende' visible. The front features a grid-like speaker pattern.
A small portable radio with an extended antenna is placed on top of stacked white styrofoam blocks. The setting appears minimalistic, with the radio being the focal point.
A small portable radio with an extended antenna is placed on top of stacked white styrofoam blocks. The setting appears minimalistic, with the radio being the focal point.
A vintage radio with a wooden exterior and a large tuning dial on the front. The radio display is marked with various frequency numbers and has an old-fashioned design. The exterior shows signs of wear, with some chipping and fading.
A vintage radio with a wooden exterior and a large tuning dial on the front. The radio display is marked with various frequency numbers and has an old-fashioned design. The exterior shows signs of wear, with some chipping and fading.
A vintage radio with a front panel displaying frequency ranges, accompanied by various control knobs. The radio has a mesh pattern on the casing and appears to be from an earlier era, indicated by its design and labeling.
A vintage radio with a front panel displaying frequency ranges, accompanied by various control knobs. The radio has a mesh pattern on the casing and appears to be from an earlier era, indicated by its design and labeling.
A vintage portable radio with a crown emblem and three stars on its grille, mounted on a red brick wall. The radio features two large knobs for volume and tuning, and a series of buttons and functions labeled on its front panel.
A vintage portable radio with a crown emblem and three stars on its grille, mounted on a red brick wall. The radio features two large knobs for volume and tuning, and a series of buttons and functions labeled on its front panel.
A close-up view of a vintage radio dial featuring numbers in increments of fifteen, from 65 to 120. The dial is set within a dark, textured background, and the numbers are highlighted in a golden hue.
A close-up view of a vintage radio dial featuring numbers in increments of fifteen, from 65 to 120. The dial is set within a dark, textured background, and the numbers are highlighted in a golden hue.

Radiotradita është radio fantastike! Më pëlqen të dëgjoj muzikën shqiptare çdo ditë. Shërbimi është i shkëlqyer dhe transmetimi është i qartë.
